Many people are discovering new ways of worshipping at home.
Here are some of the resources available through the Church of England and Chelmsford Diocese websites.
This week's online services
St Mary’s Saffron Walden
10.00am Holy Communion
President: Revd Jeremy Trew
Chelmsford Cathedral
Sunday Eucharist Weekly at 10.30am
Morning Prayer Daily at 7.45am
Evening Prayer Daily at 5.15pm
Church of England
Weekly Sunday Service at 9am
Daily Hope Telephone Line – 0800 804 8044. A free phone line of hymns prayers and reflection available 24 hours a day.
Time to Pray app - everything you need for Prayer During the Day, with variations according to the day of the week and the season of the Church’s year. Download for free here
Live streaming
Daily Hymns and Sunday Services
Covid-19 Prayers
These activities have been developed to be used at home during the coronavirus pandemic.
Prayers from the National Church for use during the coronavirus outbreak
Together at Home
Church Resources, an amazing group packed with great ideas for families to worship at home.
A list of resources for families to use at home, compiled by Mary Hawes, National Children and Youth Advisor:
Bible Chat Mat
Families growing faith at home
The Diocese of Bristol have a section of their website updated weekly with resources to support families, to worship and grow in faith during this time of distancing: