

Death and Bereavement - we're here to help

The death of someone close is a very sad time and there is always such a lot to do when you least feel able to cope. We are here to help you at this difficult time, so please do contact us if you have any questions.
Our funeral services are generally held in church or at a crematorium. They are for anyone, whether or not they have been regular churchgoers. It is best to approach your chosen funeral director first and they will contact us. Then our Rector, or one of the clergy, will get in touch with you to arrange a visit.  
We will talk with you about the person who has died and help you to plan the service for him/her which can be crafted to fit with their wishes. This will include choosing suitable music and hymns, prayers and readings and a tribute to your loved one. You, your family members or friends can contribute to, and take part in, the service if you wish.

The final part of the service is the ‘committal’ of the person’s body to be buried or cremated. When the service in church is followed by burial the committal takes place at the graveside. Where there is to be a cremation, the committal can take place either at the crematorium or if the service was in church, at the end of the service, where everybody is present

Funeral services are for everyone who knew the person who has died, children as well as adults. Often children can find it very helpful to be present. Access is available for people with a disability. Please let us know what you need.
The time just after someone has died can be very full and busy. It may be a little while later that the real grieving begins. This can often be a lonely and sometimes quite distressing period. 

If you would like a visit at this time please contact:

Maryanne Fleming (Benefice Administrator)
Tel: 07958 629506

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