Congratulations to those who were confirmed by Bishop Roger on 9th February
L to R: Alex Young, Lindsey Phillips, Bishop Roger, Rosie Holt, Harry Gilbank, William Gilbank, Sam Crockford and Fr Chris
Sunday 23rd March – Third Sunday of Lent
8.00am Great Sampford Revd Susannah Lacon Holy Communion
9.30am Hempstead Revd Susannah Lacon Holy Communion
11.00am Thaxted Fr Chris Brown Sung Mass
Wednesday 26th March
10.00am Thaxted Revd Susannah Lacon Low Mass
Sunday 30th March – Mothering Sunday
9.30am Radwinter Fr Chris Brown Holy Communion
11.00am Thaxted Revd Susannah Sung Mass
Wednesday 2nd April
10.00am Thaxted Fr Chris Brown Low Mass
For our Benefice and its 5 churches.
As Christians we need to be aware of the need for true repentance, forgiving others and allowing "second chances."
Ukraine, Gaza and the other troubled areas of the world, and those who work for peace.
Those who are disabled or frail.
The work of Friends of the Earth.
We are delighted to announce that the Revd David Sheppard has been appointed to the role of Rector of Thaxted, Hempstead, Radwinter and The Samfords. David returns to Chelmsford having been an ordinand here in Saffron Walden before training at Westcott House in Cambridge, so this is a part of Essex he knows and loves well. David is currently serving as Priest in Charge of Buckden and the Offords in the Ely Diocese. We look forward to welcoming him and his family in the summer. Please pray for David and his family as they prepare to move.
Adrian Wright will lead the Stations of the Cross at Thaxted Church on Sunday 23rd March and Sunday April 13th at 4pm.
29th March at 5pm Thaxted Singers & Amici Cantate. These two well known local choirs are joining forces at Thaxted Parish Church to put on a fabulous concert of music including works by Mozart, Frank, Faure, Stainer, Chilcott, Morricone and many more! Both choirs are excited to come together to share their love of singing. Tickets are available from 025.../17:00/t-jznqokq
6th April at 3.00 – 4.40pm Flute Concert at Radwinter Church with an eclectic mix of music, refreshments and a raffle.
13th April – Palm Sunday
9.30am Hempstead Revd Susannah - Holy Communion
10.45am Thaxted Church Hall Fr Chris - Procession to the Church and Sung Mass
3rd May 10.00 – 12.30 Lincoln Organ Day at Thaxted Parish Church. Come and learn how a pipe organ works and have a go at playing it!
We are required to complete a full revision of the Electoral Roll this year. The Roll is a register of lay members of the parish and is used to work out how many PCC members and Deanery Synod members we need.
Everyone who wants to be on the roll will need to complete a form, available on line here or in church.
Thaxted: Daniel Fox ( by 12th April
The Sampfords: Christopher Robinson ( by 8th April
Radwinter: Penny Browne ( ) by 18th March
Hempstead: Meryl Haylock ( ) by 24th March
If you would like to make a donation for one or more Easter Lilies in memory of loved ones, please contact Janet Moore ( sign up on the sheet in Thaxted Parish Church. The lilies need to be ordered 14 days in advance so please sign up as soon as possible.
Every Wednesday after the mid week Mass we offer coffee, tea, hot chocolate, treats and good company for anyone who would like to join us. If you would like to come along or if you might be able to help to run the service, please contact Maryanne ( ) or Anna Lee for more information!
Unfortunately we have had to rebuild the mailing list for the pewsheet. If you would normally receive the pewsheet by email and have not received it recently, or if you would like to receive it, please email Maryanne at
You can also download the pew sheet here
Congratulations to the Eco Church team! Thaxted Parish Church has been awarded the Eco Church Silver Award! Click here for more information on how this was achieved.
It looks as if we may well have found a driver for the minibus! We have a choice of 3 dates; June 14 (preferred), July 19 and August 16. Please do let Adrian ( 07443 840740) which ones would suit you.
Keep up to date, help with projects and events and connect with other church members by joining the new Thaxted Church WhatsApp group. Please text your name and mobile phone number to Paul Meader 07711-310243, or speak to Paul in Church. (Please note that by joining the group your mobile number will be visible to other group members).
Thank you for contacting our Churches. As requested, we will now add you to our mailing list.
If you wish to unsubscribe at ant time, please send an email including the word UNSUBSCRIBE.