MISSION: NO FOSSIL FUEL - The team will be learning to use a thermal camera to identify where heat is escaping from houses on the evening of Thursday 16 January to help homeowners to add effective insulation, saving money and the planet. If you would like to have your house surveyed - free of charge! - please let Lynn Brown or Maryanne Fleming know, or you can book in via eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/leaky-homesroadshow-thaxted-tickets-1128564830789
Prayer for the COP29 climate summit (CAFOD)
God of blessings,
the universe sings of your glory
Deepen our gratitude for all you have made
and awaken in us a renewed commitment
to care for the earth and each other.
Inspire world leaders at COP29,
with openness to listen to those most affected by climate change
and with courage to act urgently and wisely,
so that our common home may be healed and restored
and all people, and generations to come, may delight in it.
Bishop Roger's message and prayer for COP 29
The congregation of Thaxted Parish Church was delighted to be awarded the Eco Church Bronze Award on February 3rd, 2024. This reflects the many ways in which many members of the congregation have changed how things are done at the church to be more environmentally-friendly, since the Eco Church group was started in 2019. These vary from the catering, flower arranging, churchyard management and energy use reduction to “Ringing out for Climate” events with our “Tree of Hope,” engaging with our wider community in support of personal lifestyle changes and worldwide issues.
Would you like to reduce your home's carbon footprint and energy costs?
Find out more by joining the newly-formed group, Mission:No Fossil Fuel for talks on Solar PV, Air Source Heat Pumps and heat loss in homes by speakers from Community Energy South on Thursday May 23rd, 7.30pm in Thaxted Church Hall. Everyone is welcome!
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